Reduction Breast Lift Los Angeles
Most women interested in breast reduction in Pasadena or Los Angeles also need a breast lift. It’s simply a matter of size and weight working in conjunction with gravity. Breast reduction surgery can successfully remove the excess fatty or glandular tissue making your breasts large and heavy, but a breast reduction alone will not bring your breasts back to a desirable position on your chest. That’s why breast reductions are often combined with a breast lift so that your new, smaller breasts are situated higher up on your chest for an attractive and more youthful appearance.
Learn more about the benefits of combining breast lift in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles and Pasadena with breast reduction. Request your consultation with Dr. Stevens through Inside Online, our Web-exclusive system offering free consultations at select times. At your consultation, you will receive an examination and a personal assessment of your needs. This is also a great time to learn more about the procedure and ask any questions that you have.
Areola size may be changed as well. Large breasts often “stretch out” the nipple. After breast reduction, some women from Santa Monica or other areas of Southern California may notice that their nipples look too large and out of proportion to their smaller breasts. Nipple size is often reduced at the same time, creating an even more aesthetically pleasing look to the new, smaller breasts.
So what can you expect? The current size, shape, and placement of your breasts in conjunction with how much of a reduction and lift you want or need will help to determine the procedure that is best for you, the size and extent of incisions and scarring, the final shape of your breasts, as well as many other aspects of your surgery.
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