Breast Reductions Risks Los Angeles
As you have learned more about Breast Reduction and its benefits, you have probably become more and more excited. Beyond giving you a new physical appearance, this is a procedure that helps give you a life you long for: free of shoulder, neck and back pain due to large breasts; free of persistent breast rashes or irritations; free to join in on countless physical activities that before were too painful for participation.
However, as with all elective surgeries, it is still important to go into it fully informed and aware of potential risks and complications. While Dr. Stevens or Dr. Stoker will discuss these with you more in depth during your consultation, as well as answer any questions you may have, we have listed some possible risks and complications on this page.
Bleeding, infection, and anesthetic complications. These are risks in all surgeries. Your physician and assisting staff will take all precautions to minimize any potential problem. We use only board certified medical doctor anesthesiologists for our cases.
Bruising, swelling, inflammation, infection, discomfort. These can happen after surgery. Following your physicians instructions (such as limiting physical exertion or taking medication) will help to minimize these possibilities.
Sharp pains in the breast or nipple. A small percentage of women experience temporary sharp pains for up to six months. This can be part of the healing process and will subside over time.
Loss of nipple functionality. Some Breast Reductions can result in the loss of nipple sensation as well as the ability to breastfeed. You can read more about this on the Preserving Nipple Sensation and Function page.
Scarring. All Breast Reductions result in some level of scarring. The extent of scarring you experience will depend on the Breast Reduction method you have, as well as other factors discussed on the Scarring and Breast Shape After Surgery page.
Asymmetry. A small percentage of women have breasts that become significantly asymmetrical after surgery. This is an uncommon occurrence and could require another operation to correct it. All breasts are asymmetrical to some degree and revision surgery should not be done for small differences in breast size or shape.
Necrosis. This is extremely rare and results from tissue being cut off from the blood supply during surgery. When this happens, tissue begins to die and can result in gangrene. It requires immediate medical attention and possible additional procedures.
How can you help minimize risk?
Dr. Stevens, Dr. Stoker, and the assisting staff will be taking every precaution to minimize risks and complications during your surgery. What can you do to minimize risks and maximize health before, during and after a surgery?
Don’t smoke. Smoking constricts your veins and arteries — it makes them less able to carry oxygen to all of your organs. During surgery your body will need all of the oxygen it can get, especially when anesthesia is involved. Smoking can also slow down the healing process, even affecting the way your scars mature. Not smoking helps your body heal scars, making them smaller and less visible.
Get your diabetes under control. Diabetes can make your body heal more slowly. If you are diabetic make sure to optimize medical management of your condition. Remember, you want to do everything you can to promote healing.
Be fit. If you are overweight your physician may ask you to lose weight prior to surgery. Losing excess weight before surgery will help you get the breast shape you want after surgery. While Breast Reduction surgery is permanent, breast size will fluctuate depending on weight gain or loss. By being a normal weight before surgery, you can help minimize any future change of breast shape.
Follow your physician’s instructions. If you are asked to stop smoking, lose weight or improve your health in any way before surgery, make sure you do these things. If you are given instructions after surgery, make sure you follow them. These are all set up to help you get the results you want with the least amount of complications and the fastest healing process.
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